The Truth About Domestic Violence

Too often victims of domestic abuse suffer in silence while the violence escalates. It may start as verbal abuse and gradually get worse until the abuser severely injures or even kills the victim. Most of the time, women are the victims of domestic abuse, but men can be abused as well. Because many victims hid their abuse from family and friends, they could suffer for years without anyone being the wiser.

What are Signs of Abuse?

Of course one of the most common things to look for if you suspect a family member or friend is being abused is physical signs. Bruises, cuts, broken bones, and black eyes could signal that someone is being abused. There are other signs such as becoming more withdrawn and not spending as much time with family and friends.

If you notice that someone suddenly becomes tense around their partner, this can be a sign. Often they are afraid of saying the wrong thing because this can trigger the abuser to become angry. They may make you feel unwelcome in their home when their partner is there. You may actually get the feeling that they would like you to leave.

Help is Possible

Although victims may believe the abuse is their fault, it is not, because it is the abuser who loses control. They actually make the choice of using their behavior as a way of controlling their partner. There are a number of ways they do so. It can range from treating the partner like a child and never allowing them to make decisions. They often give orders and expect obedience without any questions.

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Unfortunately, domestic violence does not stop. Without intervention from outside sources such as police agencies or the courts, the cycle will continue. This is why court approved domestic violence classes online are offered by companies such as American Integrity Courses.

No one should be the victim of abuse. The long-term effects of emotional and physical abuse can take years to recover from, particularly if it has gone on for a long time. The key and the first step is to recognize that you are in an abusive situation. Then you will be able to seek the help needed.