Tips For Picking The Right Screen For Your Sanyo LCD Projector

Tips For Picking The Right Screen For Your Sanyo LCD Projector

If you’re looking for a new screen for your Sanyo LCD projector at home, business, or school, it’s important that you understand the many factors that will go into making your decision. Projector screens are available with a wide range of features, in many different sizes and shapes, and in different colors and materials. In order to choose the right product for your needs, you’ll need to consider the projector’s primary use, the size of the room, and the surrounding lighting.

Selecting Basic Features: Where Will the Screen Be Used?

Projector screens have evolved significantly from the original plain white sheets that appeared in classrooms and board meetings. Today, the right screen can capture the attention of your audience members and engage them in a deeper way. That’s why it’s so important to choose the right features.

The first thing you’ll need to consider is the primary use of your Sanyo LCD projector. If the screen will be used for business meetings or conferences, it’s important to choose a screen that is easily portable and that can withstand travel without damage. For business meetings that will regularly take place in the same room, you can choose a mountable screen, but you may want to choose the professionalism of a high quality electric screen.

If your Sanyo LCD projector will be used at home or in a classroom, you may be looking for the most cost effective solution that will still provide quality viewing. Many people choose manual screens that are available in either tensioned or non-tensioned. Manual ones are a good option for many people because they roll up easily, providing a simple storage solution. Tensioned models include a mechanism that keeps it from rolling back up too quickly which will help to prevent bends and tears.

Choosing the Right Size: How Big is the Room?

After you’ve considered the type of screen you want to purchase, you must decide what size you’ll need. This factor is largely dependent on the size of the room. It’s essential that you select a model that is proportional to the room, as one that is too small makes it difficult for viewers to see and prevents people from getting the full effect of the presentation. Similarly, a screen that is too large can be distracting to your audience and can also be difficult for people sitting too close to the front to properly see.

You should also consider what you’ll be presenting with your Sanyo LCD projector. Screens come in three basic formats and each type has a distinct value and use. Square models feature a 1:1 ratio and are often used for standard presentations. This traditional option is great for business meetings with PowerPoint presentations, and if the screen is large enough, can even be used effectively in large conference halls or auditoriums. However, square screens have the lowest picture quality. Video format models feature a 4:3 ratio, which is the standard ratio of a television or computer monitor. These work well for both fullscreen and widescreen, though it is still important to consider the size of the room you’ll be presenting in. Finally, there are HDTV screens, which are the latest option available. They feature a 16:9 ratio for width to height and provide the highest viewing quality available. Many people choose HDTV screens for use in their homes, though they can also provide extreme clarity in a business or other professional setting.

Determining the Screen’s Material: What Kind of Lighting is in the Room?

Now that you’ve chosen the type and size, you can decide what type of material it should be made from. Projector screens are available in both gray and white. Both colors can be made with additional features that will affect the way light reflects. If you do not have full control over the lighting in the room, a gray screen is usually the best option because it will make blacks appear darker and can improve contrast. This helps colors to appear brighter and avoids dimness. White screens are suitable for rooms where the lighting can be fully controlled, such as in a movie theater.

Many people choose gray with high contrast for their home theater systems, as they can reflect ambient lighting and brighten the viewing picture. Typically, white comes standard for lower cost models. White still works well in controlled lighting, but gray is a good investment for higher quality viewing on your Sanyo LCD projector.

A high quality Sanyo LCD projector screen is a great addition to your home theater, office, or classroom. By considering the factors that will determine the style, size, and material, you can select the perfect model that will optimize your Sanyo LCD projector viewing experience and help create engaging presentations.